Monday, November 15, 2010



Not much more to say.

Run and tell that...

the consumption of Whipped Cream vodka causes great mornings
Filled with unexpected vomiting in unexpected places

and dipping your sweatshirt in ketchup while being a fetus

I don't know which is better..

caputring you shoving MACdonald's fries in your mouth while I'm taking a creep picture

 OR the picture I was creeping?

If you feelin like a pimp..

go and brush your shoulders off....

Happy Meals

make people happy.
Teaching the kids well

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is thought of me?

That I will take 21 shots and wind up in the hospital?
Thanks for looking out Mom<3

No, my professor is not Steve Irwin

but this is what he has decorating the road to his house.

Going Bovine

a good read for some relaxation.
AND..the author....

Going Bovine - Libba Bray Interview

2012 Presidential Candidate....

loves to pull our hair.

Why can't I have this every holiday?

Happy Easter!!!!!

Wild and Wonderful

Welcome to West Virginia!
Daddy's Home

In the countryside full of cows and bovine...

Why have donkeys?
..and camels?

Note: this is a very small farm in Virginia, not run by Aladdin. Always Welcome

You know your mall is successful when..

"Dixie Outfitter T's" is across from

the GRAND opening of "Always BE PREPARED Outlet"

I'm prepared now with my camo gear and Dixie T-shirt and flag. Let's go.

A lot of people ask why?

..but I ask why not?

Minimum Age Requirement

14 Year Olds at the a JMU party

Is that a drink in your hand?

Follow Up

FYI: Not the original Drunk-O-Meter wearer.

Opening Creep Pic

Halloween Costume Winner (in many ways)
Note: the boy who wore the costume did indeed request people to blow. Lucky dog [puppy]